Be there!
Would you like to breakdance with guidance once a month or have new moves shown to you? Then come to the open spaces in the old dairy every second Saturday of the month!
To participate is one declaration of consent (button below) and bring it with you before the first appointment.
Our trainer and deputy chairman Simon Schroer-Mrosek, who also works as a trainer for Funky eV (Europe's largest inclusive dance ensemble), has recorded tutorials as part of the Funky RECONNECT project, which Funky eV is happy to make available to us. You can find more information about Funky eV and the Funky RECONNECT project at You can also find this and other videos on the Youtube channel of Funky eV We thank Funky eV for thisMaking the Videos Available.
all videos by Simon Schroer-Mrosek belong to Funky eV and are protected by copyright.
We have now set up an exclusive participant area for you! There you will receive the participationr-addressed information and further access.
If you have not yet received the password for this area, even though you are a participant of DANCEROOM eV, then write an email to and Simon will make sure that you get your access as soon as possible.